101 - 309 Totalising Revolution or Stroke Counter

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Hengstler 101 - 309 small counters provide accurate mechanical recording for various revolution or stroke counting applications where continuous automated processes require a totalising readout.

Revolution counters are suited for continuous rotary movement and function bi-directionally. Stroke counters are for reciprocating motion within a limited degree of rotation; an internal spring returns the shaft to a start position, for example, on hand punch presses, photocopiers, or vending machines. Stroke counters count in one direction only.

Revolution and stroke counters are available with a non-resettable 4 or 5-digit display with a right or left rotary shaft. There are two types of shaft rotation, either BZ or BW.

  • BZ shaft rotation, viewing the front display, the top of the rotary shaft is coming towards the observer.
  • BW shaft rotation, viewing the front display, the top of the rotary shaft is going away from the observer.

Transmission ratios are 1:1 or 1:10, depending upon the version selected. Choose from a surface or flush-mounted counter or without housing.

Strike levers for the stroke counters are purchased separately.


101 - 309 series datasheet TTCC094 1.2MB

Part Numbers Show…

0301505 | 0301509 | 0309505 | 0309509 | 0301401 | 0301405 | 0301506 | 0301510 | 0309510 | 0309402 | 0301507 | 0301511 | 0309507 | 0309511 | 0301407 | 0301508 | 0301512 | 0309508 | 0309512 | 0301408 | 0101605 | 0101609 | 0103605 | 0101505 | 0101613 | 0103505 | 0101606 | 0101610 | 0103606 | 0101506 | 0101614 | 0103506 | 0101607 | 0103607 | 0101507 | 0101615 | 0103507 | 0101608 | 0103608 | 0101508 | 0101616 | 0103508 | 0.301.505 | 0.301.509 | 0.309.505 | 0.309.509 | 0.301.401 | 0.301.405 | 0.301.506 | 0.301.510 | 0.309.510 | 0.309.402 | 0.301.507 | 0.301.511 | 0.309.507 | 0.309.511 | 0.301.407 | 0.301.508 | 0.301.512 | 0.309.508 | 0.309.512 | 0.301.408 | 0.101.605 | 0.101.609 | 0.103.605 | 0.101.505 | 0.101.613 | 0.103.505 | 0.101.606 | 0.101.610 | 0.103.606 | 0.101.506 | 0.101.614 | 0.103.506 | 0.101.607 | 0.103.607 | 0.101.507 | 0.101.615 | 0.103.507 | 0.101.608 | 0.103.608 | 0.101.508 | 0.101.616 | 0.103.508 | 0-301-505 | 0-301-509 | 0-309-505 | 0-309-509 | 0-301-401 | 0-301-405 | 0-301-506 | 0-301-510 | 0-309-510 | 0-309-402 | 0-301-507 | 0-301-511 | 0-309-507 | 0-309-511 | 0-301-407 | 0-301-508 | 0-301-512 | 0-309-508 | 0-309-512 | 0-301-408 | 0-101-605 | 0-101-609 | 0-103-605 | 0-101-505 | 0-101-613 | 0-103-505 | 0-101-606 | 0-101-610 | 0-103-606 | 0-101-506 | 0-101-614 | 0-103-506 | 0-101-607 | 0-103-607 | 0-101-507 | 0-101-615 | 0-103-507 | 0-101-608 | 0-103-608 | 0-101-508 | 0-101-616 | 0-103-508